Somewhere Trailer
Somewhere is a 2010 American drama film written and directed by Sofia Coppola. The film follows Johnny Marco (played by Stephen Dorff), a newly famous actor, as he recuperates from a minor injury at the Chateau Marmont, a well-known Hollywood retreat. Despite money, fame and professional success, Marco is trapped in an existential crisis and has an emotionally empty daily life. When his ex-wife suffers an unexplained breakdown and goes away, she leaves Cleo (Elle Fanning), their 11-year-old daughter, in his care. They spend time together and her presence helps Marco mature and accept adult responsibility. The film explores ennui among Hollywood stars, the fatherâ€"daughter relationship and offers an oblique comedy of show business, particularly Hollywood film-making and the life of a "star". Somewhere premiered at the 67th Venice International Film Festival where it received the Golden Lion award for best picture. Critical opinion was mildly positive.